Bitcoin’s ESG Benefits for a Sustainable Future
Despite its initial critics, Bitcoin is continuing to establish itself as a transformative force with significant environmental, social, and governance benefits.
Bitcoin Is Not a Financial Plan…But It Should Be Part of It
Bitcoiners, consider the whole that the bitcoin piece fits into. Trad-fi community, take a close look at the puzzle piece that bitcoin is. When informed by a clear vision and with all the pieces on the table and being worked out and connected, that is when true financial planning is taking place and the full picture is able to be realized.
The Greater Fool Is the One Not Holding Bitcoin
An ill-informed person might examine bitcoin and conclude that all they see is volatility, limited history, wasteful energy consumption, lack of intrinsic value, and regulatory concerns.
Bitcoin is More Than an Asset Allocation Decision
As a Financial Advisor who uses bitcoin, the most common question I receive is “what position size do you recommend?” Considering bitcoin as a mere position in an asset allocation portfolio, while it has its place, is incomplete.
Bitcoin is Money
Critics often say bitcoin is not a good store of value because it has 70-90% drawdowns in purchasing power over short periods of time. Short term performance, however, is not a good indicator whether an asset will be a long-term store of value.
BTC Financial Advisor Roundtable [PODCAST]
In this episode of The Reformed Financial Advisor podcast, Andy Flattery chats with Morgen Rochard & Jim Crider on all things orange pilled and the RIA world.